Privacy statement
The Vigoureux hostel attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data and privacy. By using our website, you agree to our terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions include this disclaimer, our privacy statement. They apply both to you as a user and to us. Except with the prior written consent of The Vigoureux hostel, no departure from these terms and conditions may be made.

Processing your personal data
The The Vigoureux hostel website, located in Congo-Brazzaville, is responsible for processing personal data as set out in this privacy statement. The Vigoureux hostelundertakes to process only the data necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

But du traitement des données personnelles
The Vigoureux hostel processes your personal data for the following purposes: To be able to answer questions when filling out the web form

Purpose of processing personal data
The Vigoureux hostel does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that may have significant consequences for people. These are decisions made by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example, an employee of the Vigoureux hostel).

Duration of storage of personal data
The Vigoureux hostel does not keep your personal data longer than strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected.

Sharing data with third parties
The Vigoureux hosteldoes not sell your data to third parties..

Consult, modify or delete data
As a data subject, you have the right to lawful and secure processing of personal data. You can exercise the following rights: Right of opposition: if there are compelling and justified reasons, you can oppose the processing of personal data. Right of access: any data subject who proves his or her identity has a right of access to information on whether or not personal data is being processed, as well as on the purposes of this processing, the categories of data to which these treatments and the categories of recipients to whom the data are disclosed. Right of rectification: inaccurate or incomplete personal data can always be corrected or even erased at the request of the data subject.